Monday, April 10, 2006

Get together

Had the get together before Lourdes yesterday
Went alarmingly well
The charges were excited and full of beans and contain probably two of the most challenging children this group has ever taken.
The parents were over awed by it all.
One is convinced we'll back out at the airport and send her home with her mum, as she's too difficult.
We're well prepared, though and having a paediatrician in the group (not me!) helps.
Having a psychiatrist is useful too...
And a surgeon- a well medicated group!
How could I have dropped out- My said to me at least five times that she wouldn't be going if I didn't- she's so nervous about it all.
I'm less so, although I think it's going to be the hardest but one week ever...

But emotionally, I'm going to go onto detached mode, as I think it's the only way I'll cope this year. It was hard enough at the Penitential service on Saturday, how difficult it may be if Fr M twigs I'm not going to communion and decides to pry, I just don't know. I don't know if anyone has told him and he's just leaving it alone or whether he doesn't know. I'm sure I'll find out, unless he decides to play it cool and ignore it all...

Meantime, my head is in pieces. Work, T's unsettled state, the mess of thoughts in my head, the insomnia, the tummy pain, the prospect of Lourdes- if I could stop the world and sit on a toadstool and think for a month, I'd be much more settled.
Might have a bit of a back ache though!!

So if you see words to this effect here..
"Gon out backson bisy backson"

Check out the nearest toadstool and see if I'm contemplating there...
And bring something soothing with you, as I cannot be taking any more stress!


Anonymous said...


Cat said...

*hugs* aaron back...