Thursday, February 16, 2006


I hate Thursdays
They are my Mondays really, the first day after a break and so busy!
Added to which, the new wonderful computer system me must use has at least 20 of my clients missing from it. I found 15 of them this afternoon, but the rest may not even be on the system...
And someone turned up half an hour late and still needed to be seen and the Crisis Team (or the Panic Team, as one of my clients mistakenly but hilariously called them this morning) had a difficult client that I prevaricated about.
Hassles, hassles, hassles!
In addition, I forgot my tablets yesterday so ended up taking a double dose today.
The Pharmacist was not impressed.
"Perhaps don't forget them in the first place" he said sternly as he was on his way out to "check the perimeter for intruders" (ie, have a quick ciggy with the ward manager.)

And yesterday was the preparation night for Lourdes- hubbie's first one as regional chair.
It went well and to time even though I got all my forms confused and the group leaders all sighed as they saw me coming with my bits of paper. In 8 weeks time- we'll be off for the trip, time will fly past now...

Son2 is low, with his tests coming up and he seems to have something preying on his mind, but he doesn't want to talk about it.
"You know you can always tell your lovely mother" I told him.
"Humph! I don't HAVE a lovely mother..."
He did laugh after saying this

And T is T, off school for half term and looking happy as he's seen the new area in their workplace where they'll be playing with computers.
No farm for two weeks!
What more could he want!

Now, when I used to write in my old journal, by now a verse or psalm would have leapt into my head to sum up my mood and end my thinking.
I miss those days.
I miss God...
Just an empty space now for you to add your thoughts...


Anonymous said...

time will show the way

Cat said...

Thanks aa