Just over 4 hours before we leave the house.
I have packed, though not yet shut my case...
I am in mega manic panic mode, with all sorts of negative distorted thoughts running round my head and blabbering away about Lourdes on the internet until I'm sure everyone must wish I'm out of there.
But all will be well, as Juliana said, and I take my new confidant (HA!) approach with me...
Along with Nietzsche and the Tao...
What a mixture!
Still M and the boys are still sleeping sweetly while I bomb round the house like a banashee, occasionally stopping to write a few comments here...
Ironically I have been unable to find my doctors badge.
On the front it says...
I believe
It does matter, because it is a symbol of authority in the domain and a means of identification
But I would have felt uncomfortable wearing it, as I still don't believe in god
I do though, believe in love, in strength, in caring and sharing (chriz gave me that) and in kindness...
That's my start and I hope that whatever the stresses and strains of the next week, I can hold onto those.
Off to try and shut my case..
And remember to watch out for me on the website...
Look out for the hat featured above- it'll be me!
(or one of the other 20 or so in our group!)
I'll give a prize to anyone who spots me...
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