I've been thinking about Lourdes, as I'll be going there soon, and I remembered this..
A couple of years ago, in Lourdes we were sitting on the meadow, with the group of children we had taken there playing a game.
Those who used wheelchairs were lying on the ground under an umbrella, as it was a lovely hot day, and the others were running round and jumping up and down.
The game was very simple.
In the centre of our group were statements written on a piece of paper...
"I am loving" " I am caring" " I am hopeful" I am joyful" I am forgiving" etc etc
Everyone had to choose ones that applied to them and sit down with them.
Next we had to select ones for other people...
At that time, I had a major problem.
Someone had taken great offence at something I had been involved in over a year before.
They had decided not to forgive me.
I am still aware that they have not forgiven me...
Anyway, everyone (the adults) knew all about it.
And some realised much more about it than me..One of the group picked up "I am forgiving" and handed it to me.
She just said: "You have to forgive her..now."
I realised suddenly how much hatred and bitterness was running round my heart, and what an obstacle it was being for me.
I was waiting for this lady to forgive me, but that was not what was needed.
I started to cry and one of the children ran towards me and reached out and tried to take my glasses off.. and someone snapped a picture at that point...(you can see the slip of paper in my hands..)
and I realised my friend was right.If we cannot forgive, we cannot love.
And to love is the golden rule...
*gives you a gentle hug* A magnificent photo and a magnificent story, my friend. Thank you for sharing it.
wisdom comes from many directions :)
Nice to see you folks. *hugs* to you for the support you give me, it means so much.
You are all going on my prayer list for Lourdes, by the way (whether you want to or not!)
In 2 weeks time I'll be there!!!!
Better get ready...
remember the coffee is bad for you but the smell is great,
be nice to youself
Thank you anonymous person...
*adds anon to prayer list*
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